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Data sources

Which data sources form the basis of the AGRDEU database? Which studies have been carried out to date to record the genetic diversity of aquatic genetic diversity in Germany? A list with the relevant data sources used in AGRDEU can be obtained here!

Data sources on the diversity of aquatic genetic resources in Germany

Source: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

The AGRDEU database provides information on the genetic diversity of broodstocks kept in aquaculture and on wild stocks of aquatic genetic resources existing in Germany. Genetic characteristics of aquatic species are presented below the species level. The information provided is mainly derived from survey projects conducted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The aim of these survey projects is the documentation and the monitoring of the development of genetic resources. Also extern data from scientific publications, project reports, diploma or dissertations are be included in the AGRDEU database.

The list of data sources provides following information:

  • Origin of the basic data used in the AGRDEU database,
  • Detailed information on the sources, e.g. title, authors,
  • contents and publication data, e.g. publisher, type of publication, etc.

To the database